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The content and opinions expressed in any presentation available on this website are those of the individual presenter(s). These do not (necessarily) reflect the views or positions of the organizing society or affiliated institutions.

Each speaker delivers its presentation, makes statements, and offers commentary solely on their own behalf and - on an exclusive basis - assumes full responsibility for the content. No speaker acts as a spokesperson or representative of any association, company, authority or tribunal with which they are, have been or may become affiliated. The views expressed by speakers do not, nor should they be construed as, reflecting the official position of any organization, company, administration, or judicial body. Their statements are personal and should not be interpreted otherwise.

Each speaker shares its insights and knowledge as understood up to the date of the relevant event. Naturally, speakers are free to correct, update, or adjust any inaccuracies and refine their opinions as new information, research, discussions or experiences arise. This may occur on a case-by-case basis or in response to evolving regulations, case law, and broader societal changes.

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